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To use VELCRO® or to not use VELCRO®? That is the pedalboard's dilemma | Aclam Guitars

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To use VELCRO® or to not use VELCRO®? That is the pedalboard's dilemma

How to attach the effects pedals into a pedalboard?

Hook and loop and velcro pedalboards

Hook and Loop

If we make some research on the internet, we’ll see that there are a lot of pedalboards’ options to keep your guitar effects pedals secure and tidy while playing. It is not difficult to say that what is commontly accepted by most of the manufacturers and musicians is to use hook & loop. 

There are many specific types of hook and loop or adhesive fasteners to keep your effects pedals in place. The most known brands are VELCRO®, 3M Dual Lock and many many other hook and loop brands that are usually cheaper and much less effectives than the ones we mentioned.

no velcro pedalboard, alternative smart track by aclam guitars

The revolution

Is VELCRO® the most common way to attach effects pedals just because it has always been like this? There is some brave and innovative people that is always looking for something better for his effects pedals. They are looking for real and reliable alternatives to VELCRO®, other hook and loop brands or any kind of adhesive to attach their effects pedals on their pedalboards.

If that's not you, you may be asking yourself why someone would say no to a VELCRO® pedalboard? Well, that's why we have put together the most common reasons for someone to look for an alternative way to attach and their pedals.


Top 5 reasons. Why a professional musician does not want to attach pedals with hook and loop or adhesives? 


1️⃣ To not damage your pedals and to keep them clean!

2️⃣ You are tired of melted adhesives and sticky things, specially on those summer months and hot places.

3️⃣ Hook and loop looses effectiveness while being used, so you will have to buy a reaplacement in a near future.

4️⃣ You need a flat surface to attach it. It is usually over the pedal label, battery compartment,...

5️⃣ You may sell this pedal in a future, it will have more value if it looks like brand new!

...Which are your reasons?


Is there an alternative solution for all these people?

Of course there is! Discover it now or keep reading. 

As far as VELCRO® or any other hook and loop are not the only thing you can use to attach your pedals into your pedalboard. There is many creative people that have found a whole world of alternatives to keep their pedals attached on the pedalboard with no need of using it. If you surf the forums, you will find many solutions:

➡️ Zipties

➡️ Bike chains

➡️ DIY options and 3D printing solutions

➡️ Other brand options (but you still need to attach something adhesive to your pedals)

That's why we have developed and industrialized a reliable pedalboard without VELCRO® or adhesives!

 ⭐ LEARN MORE ABOUT The Smart Track® pedalboard ⭐


Smart Track®: Aclam’s VELCRO® alternative pedalboards


Advantages of using a Smart Track® pedalboard:

✅ No adhesives needed! Keep your effects pedals clean, adhesive-free and like brand-new

Fasteners are included with your pedalboard. No final price surprises!

Reuse the fasteners as many times as you need!

Attach your pedals and rearrange them in a secure, quick, easy and fun way.


See how it works in less than 2 minutes


Is it secure?

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A patented concept

The Smart Track® method has been developed & patented by Aclam as an innovative method to attach effect pedals, specially designed to cover the needs to the ones that does not want to damage their effects pedals.


If you still prefer to buy a VELCRO® pedalboard, that's fine too!

Every musician has his own needs, and all decisions you make for your guitar gear is as good as the other one. If you already have your set configured with hook and loop, you can always choose an Evo Track® pedalboard, which offers the option of using this System.

We know VELCRO® pedalboards also satisfies the need of keeping pedals from moving or falling down when moving the pedalboard around, and a hook and loop pedalboard can look very clean tidy too!

That is why we are giving you the option to have your Aclam pedalboard using velcro too. The Evo Track® uses a high quality long-lasting VELCRO® strips. Clean the bottom part of your pedal before placing a small piece of the hook strips.

Why are we talking about VELCRO® pedalbaords too? Because we designed so you can take avantatge of the modular design of our pedalboards, and you will convert your Evo Track® pedalboard into a Smart Track® pedalboard if you want to try the velcro-less solution!

So, keeping it simple: The Smart Track pedalboard is reversible, you only need to turn upside down every track you may need and stick VELCRO® to it. Need more information? Let us know!

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