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Artist Interviews: Jordi Martinez | Aclam Guitars
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Artist Interviews: Jordi Martinez


Jordi Martinez


Who inspired you to make music?

Elvis Presley !!!, it was my first Shock, it was like: "Oh God !, what a feeling !, what attitude !, I want this...!!!!" hahaha, at the same time I discover The Beatles, much more before than The Rolling Stones, my Head got a lot of Beatles, and my Heart is... Stone !!!


Do you believe in practice or innate talent?

Once a time, Paco de Lucia answered same question with a brilliant sentence: "I´ve been playing the guitar 14 hours every day since I was a child, and this, on my Land, they casll "Duende"". Talent without work, doesn't usually work.


How has Covid-19 affected to you directly and how do you think it will affect to the music industry in the near future?

The Covid changed the rules, almost for a long time. My income is based 90% on playing live shows. It was a really hard kick on the ass. Now I'm trying to promote my on-line productions and guitar recording sessions. Fortunately, even lowering a lot the gigs and with lots of them canceled, I´m playing live since mid June and I have contracts until October... but always with the fear of a new confinement. All the gigs are in small format, just 4 of them with full Band on a big stage context.


What are you working in right now?

Helping to give a final touch on a New exciting and interesting launch from the Great Brand Eventide (who I´m Artist and Ambassador and I also help on development. It's A true proud !). I ´m producing a video for my New endorsement as an Artist for Antelope Audio. Also working on some exciting video collaborations with Artists around the world and, last, but not least, on the live Shows until October and... I hope beyond !, always with my Aclam Boards on the ground !!! ;-)


What would your perfect rig be like?

My own !!! hahaha, I´m so happy with it. It starts with my Kiesel Delos, to a Dunlop Cry baby mini wha, the Keeley Electronics Red Dirt, to a Aclam Cinnamon Drive Swiss knife, Eventide The Rose epic Delay, to a Xotic EP Booster, from there to the H9Max with the Barn3 OX9 control installed, and, then the signal splits from the Eventide in stereo, left side to an amp and cab simulator, and the other to my Custom made George Tube Amps El Dorado.


Which songs do you sing in the shower?

Light my fire ( The Doors)


Your best creation vs your worst creation?

My Best creation isn´t musical, but for me is all my music: My Daughter Xènia and my Son Arnau, They really Rocked my life ! The worst creation... I can name a few... maybe one of them was one of my first attempts to compose... I´m trying to forget that...!


Have you ever been jailed in a Turkish prison?

How the Hell do you know that...?!?!?!


Which are the first, the last, and the next concert you will attend?

Lots of them... The first (BIg), to be honest I don´t remember, maybe could be Van Halen ?, no...!, Steve Vai with the great Devin Thousend !. The last was a tribute to Maná, a Band from a friend of mine, 5 days before the confinement


Who would you share stage with if you had the chance? Why?

Steven Tyler (Aerosmith): Just I love the way he sings, feel and enjoy the music... Mike Jagger: There´s not enough big stage for him.


What would you have liked to be if you hadn’t become a musician?

If I had thought about answering this question, I would never have become a musician.


What’s the most awkward situation you have experienced during a performance?

During a concert, a girl appeared next to the stage, she was a beautiful woman. It was a big concert, with an important security device so I thought it was someone from the organization, at the end of one of the songs, I made the gesture of approaching me to see what I wanted, she approached the middle of the stage and kissed me in front from the astonished gaze of the whole band and myself...That night was complicated, since my wife... was in the audience!. Rock'nRoll Lifestyle


Name a musician you would have loved to meet and haven’t

Allan Holdsworth, Eddie Van Halen, Charlie Parker, John Coltarne, Miles davis... endless list...!


You have to choose a record to take to a desert island. Which one would you choose?

Whatever from Bowie will be always Great !


Which was the first record you purchased with your own money?

I think it was Apettite for destruction from Guns´n´Roses


Talk us about your upcoming projects and what are your next plans!

These are uncertain times, but I feel that creativity keeps pushing me...! For now I will be playing live as much as I can, while also making productions and writing songs. And for sure, trying to find enough time to write and record videos like this with good friends:

A wonderful anecdote that happened during the confinement: We did this version of the song Heroes by the great David Bowie, and after a few days, I received an email from ... Tony Visconti !!!, the original producer of the David Bowie song congratulating me on the work. A treasure that I will keep in my heart for the rest of my life:

Know more about Jordi at the Aclam artists page

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