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Artist Interviews: Pau Figueres | Aclam Guitars
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Artist Interviews: Pau Figueres


Pau Figueres


Define you and your music in just a sentence:

Intuitive guitar playing


Who inspired you to make music?

My parents and all the music and music videos they played in the house.


Do you believe in practice or innate talent?

I believe in both.


How has Covid-19 affected to you directly and how do you think it will affect to the music industry in the near future?

95% of live playing stopped for me, almost only some studio work survived. I hope the music scene recovers fully from the crisis and not just in part, even if it's in the long term.


What are you working in right now?

I'm mainly doing studio work.


What would your perfect rig be like?

I guess different rigs for different things! The best of the best would be nice. It wouldn't be bad to take John Mayer's rig for electric, Tommy Emmanuel's rig for acoustic and Paco de Lucía's mic and sound engineer for live nylon string performing.


Which songs do you sing in the shower?

Oddly enough lately I catch myself singing Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue". Also I find and sing the different resonance frequencies of the bathroom.


Have you ever been jailed in a Turkish prison?

Who hasn't?!


Which are the first, the last, and the next concert you will attend?

Last concert I attended was by vocal duo Tarta Relena, amazing show. And in June I would have loved to attend Paul McCartney's concert in Barcelona but sadly it was cancelled.

Who would you share stage with if you had the chance? Why?

Any of my idols.


What would you have liked to be if you hadn’t become a musician?

Maybe a paleoanthropologist, or a writer.


What’s the most awkward situation you have experienced during a performance?

With Alejandro Sanz in Denver, the stage was lower than usual and the fans wouldn't stop jumping onstage running wildly to him, security guys running after them but there weren't enough guards so it wasn't really effective… it went on for almost the whole show. I didn't know where to look or what chord to play.


Name a musician you would have loved to meet and haven’t

Paco de Lucía.


You have to choose a record to take to a desert island. Which one would you choose?

Probably it would be the best excuse and time to actually write and record my third album…


Which was the first record you purchased with your own money?

Don't exactly remember but maybe it was Robbie McIntosh's "Emotional Bends".


Talk us about your upcoming projects and what are your next plans!

I'll be recording guitars for Stay Homas' new album, performing with Judit Neddermann and Vic Mirallas, and probably in winter I'll be performing with my own project in Germany and Hungary. Also, in theory the world tour with Alejandro Sanz has to resume at some point.


Know more about Pau Figueres at the Aclam artists page

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