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Artist Interviews: Laia Alsina Astorga | Aclam Guitars
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Artist Interviews: Laia Alsina Astorga


Laia Alsina Astorga


Define you and your music in just a sentence:

Pop base in constant change and experimentation.


Who inspired you to make music?

The guitar inspired me to start to play. I fell in love with the instrument, not with any artist.


Do you believe in practice or innate talent?

I think both are important but having talent and something that differentiates you from others is key to become a great musician and artist.


How has Covid-19 affected to you directly and how do you think it will affect to the music industry in the near future?

Currently I am unemployed and all the shows were cancelled… We are living a bad time for culture and music and this situation will be worse if the government doesn’t do anything to promote culture and improve our employment situation.


What are you working in right now?

I survive. I am a private drawing tutor and I have some gigs but they are small specific jobs…


Which songs do you sing in the shower?

Wow, it depends on the day… Usually I like to sing “Hit the Back” by King Princess.


Your best creation vs your worst creation?

I wouldn’t know what to say… Luckily I’m improving myself but I’m very proud of the last album of The Crab Apples (It will be released in 2021). My worst creation would be a music poster I made a few years ago.


Which are the first, the last, and the next concert you will attend?

I don’t remember the first exactly but the first I can remember is one of La Iaia in La Mercé (Bcn). And the last concert was Medusa Box’ in InSomni Festival (Girona).


Who would you share stage with if you had the chance? Why?

I have very talented friends and I would like to play with all of them, for example José Benítez.


What would you have liked to be if you hadn’t become a musician?

A florist.


What’s the most awkward situation you have experienced during a performance?

Once a woman told us to turn the volume down while she was talking to a customer. She didn't understand that I was working too.


Which was the first record you purchased with your own money?

The first album of Arvil Lavigne.


Know more about Laia Alsina at the Aclam artists page

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