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Artists request

At Aclam we are passionate about music and love collaborating with musicians around the world that are willing to spread the word about our products and philosophy. The instruments and accessories we offer are mainly a tool to enhance your creativity. Your music and artistic proposals are what really give value to the things we do, as they  provide excitement and thrill to people’s life, accompanying us during most of our existence.

In order to be added at the Aclam artist's website, please be sure that you meet the requirements below

- You are currently using some of the Aclam product.

- You are a professional musician

- Have a considerable presence in social networks

- Are actively touring

We also consider how you present yourself and the quality of your work. Your personality is very important for us, as a friendly, open and honest attitude are what we believe to be the basics to engage with people. We are looking for honest artists that trust in our products, so we can establish a two-way relationship where each party should be benefitted from something.

It is important that you are aware that we do not pay to any artist for using our product.

If you have tried and love Aclam products and you think that we could have a nice relationship, please, feel free to enter the following information. We will try to answer to all requests. Please be patient, as it may take some of days until we have the chance to answer you. Thank you!

Artist Request

Personal data

Birth date

Your life as an artist:

Is music your main source of income?

Do you consider yourself an educator or a performer?

Social Network presence:

If you would like to be featured in our social media like instagram, the best way to do it is to keep our attention tagging @aclamproducts in your pictures, and adding some hashtags that we will easily recognize such as #aclamproducts #aclampedalboards #aclameffects...

We are here because of you and we would not be here without you.

Thanks for helping Aclam Products for guitars succeed!